Wildflower Group
The Wildflower Group of the CMC is a group of volunteers engaged in hands-on learning and fostering of native plants, their ecosystems, and their habitats as they relate to marshlands and adjacent ecosystems. Rooted in concern for the environment and biodiversity, members of the group learn about native plants, and in turn use and disseminate their knowledge to the broader public. Equally, this knowledge is put into practice through the maintenance of a native plant nursery: from seed collection through the distribution of mature plants. These plants are used in partnership with consultation from our group in a variety of habitat restoration projects.
Current Projects
- Basic nursery operations (maintaining stock of plants and lady slippers)
- School projects: providing of plant materials for the project and on-site consultation.
- Site consulting/plantings: St. Pierre’s field.
- Collaboration with CMC in protection of threatened sites through consultation or “rescue” projects.
Projects in Development
Development of further networks for Orchid distribution.
Development of a “display” project, physical or photographic: intended to demonstrate the beauty and feasibility of a successful habitat gardening project.
Planting out at the farm.