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Our History

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  • Formerly known as the Cooper Marsh Conservators Inc.
  • Change its name in March 2022 to Citizens for Marshland Conservation
  • Similar goals to Cooper Marsh Conservators but more broadly aimed

Why Marshlands are so important:

  • Water quality and supply
  • Erosion control
  • Flood prevention
  • Breeding and migration habitat for fish and unique wildlife
  • Carbon sequestration


Examples of Significant Marshland Wildlife:

  1. Birds such as:
    • Sandhill Cranes
    • Black Terns (threatened)
    • Ospreys
    • American Bitterns
    • Least Bitterns (threatened)
  2. Amphibians and Reptiles:
    • Blanding’s Turtle (threatened)
    • Frogs and Salamanders (endangered)

  3. Mammals:
    • Bobcat
    • Otter
    • Beaver
    • Mink

  4. Marshland Wildflowers:
    • Pickerel Weed
    • Arrowhead
    • Yellow Iris
    • Cardinal Flower


    • Protection of marshlands
    • Education about uniqueness and importance of marshlands
    • Become more visible as an organization
    • Improve our presence on social media
    • Create Partnerships